
Eligibility Guidelines (P.I.)

The MSHSL has competitive interscholastic Physically Impaired (PI) competition. Students who are deemed fit to participate in competitive athletics from a MSHSL sports qualifying exam should meet the criteria below to participate in Adapted Athletics – PI Division.

The MSHSL Adapted Athletics PI Division program is specifically intended for students with physical impairments who are medically eligible to compete in competitive athletics. A student is administratively eligible to compete in the PI Division with one of the two following criteria:
The student must have a diagnosed and documented impairment specified from one of the two sections below: (Must be diagnosed and documented by a Physician, Physician’s Assistant, and/or Advanced Practice Nurse.)

  1. A Neuromuscular, Postural/Skeletal, Traumatic, Growth or Neurological Impairment which
    impacts motor function, modifies gait patterns or requires the use of prosthesis or mobility
    device (including but not limited to canes, crutches, walker or wheelchair).
  2. Cardio/Respiratory Impairment that is deemed safe for competitive athletics, but limits the
    intensity and duration of physical exertion such that sustained activity for over five minutes at
    60% of maximum heart rate for age results in physical distress in spite of appropriate
    management of the health condition. (NOTE:) A condition that can be appropriately managed
    with appropriate medications that eliminate physical or health endurance limitations WILL NOT
    be considered eligible for adapted athletics.

Specific exclusions to PI competition:

The following health conditions, without coexisting physical impairments as outlined above, may not qualify the student to participate in the PI Division even though some of the conditions below may be considered Health Impairments by an individual’s physician, a student’s school, or government agency. This list is not all-inclusive and the conditions are examples of non-qualifying health conditions (other health conditions that are not listed below may also be non-qualifying for participation in the PI Division).

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
  • Emotional Behavioral Disorder (EBD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (including Asperger’s Syndrome)
  • Tourette’s Syndrome
  • Neurofibromatosis
  • Asthma
  • Reactive Airway Disease (RAD)
  • Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)
  • Blindness
  • Deafness
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Seizure Disorder, or other similar disorders.

NOTE: A student is not required to have an IEP, qualify for special education, or have a special education categorical disability of Physically Impaired in order to participate in the Physically Impaired division of adapted athletics.